Unleash your inner crazy genius with Weird Science!  Choose from one to five days with each day containing new and different experiments.  With all of our hands-on, gooey, explosive, constructive and things-that-go-“boom” experiments, you won’t even realize how much you’re learning!   This camp gives participants not only the chance to get messy, but also develop critical thinking skills and a love for science. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty in as YOU are doing the experiments, plus warm clothes in case we go outside!

Camp runs from 9:00AM – 3:00PM. Students must bring their own lunch, morning snack and a beverage in a non-breakable container.  Kids’ Club hours 7:30 – 9 am and 3:00 – 5:30 pm. Photo ID will be required at pick up. Registrations on the day of camp incur a $10 late fee.


Jump to Birmingham Public Schools Classes


Register by phone at (248) 203-3800, or Register Online


Camp ID 20569
Monday 3/24
Grades: K-5th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $75

To MIX or not to MIX.  That is the question.  This day kids will learn all about density (what it is, how it works, how it relates to everyday life) through take home experiments like Lava Lamp, Density Rainbow Bottles, and the Dr. Seuss named Oobleck.   Bonus experiments of other varieties may also be included as time permits.

Camp ID 20570
Tuesday 3/25
Grades: K-5th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $75

3…2…1…BLAST OFF!!  This day kids will have an explosive time conducting experiments that all have a surprising result!  These include the take home experiment of Film Canister Rockets, along with the always favorite Coke and Mentos, plus Elephant Toothpaste. Bonus experiments of other varieties may also be included as time permits.

Camp ID 20571
Wednesday 3/26
Grades: K-5th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $75

Time to CREATE!  This day we will see all the fun we can have and what we can learn from the things we create.  Kids will have a stretchy, sticky, and competitive time making the take home experiments of Slime, Playdough and Hoop Gliders. Bonus experiments of other varieties may also be included as time permits.

Camp ID 20572
Thursday 3/27
Grades: K-5th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $75

Are you an agent of ORDER or CHAOS!  Hero or Villain, this day is all about creative and destructive experiments.  Kids will create take home experiments of Catapults, and Fingerprints (which side of the law were you on?), along with Melting/Foaming Snowman.  Bonus experiments of other varieties may also be included as time permits.

Camp ID 20573
Friday 3/28
Grades: K-5th
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $75

It’s all about the EARTH and our everyday LIFE!  On this day kids will get to learn about scientific concepts and things that affect us from breaking open our own Geodes that we get to take home, making an Electromagnet, and do we really eat Nails for Breakfast?!  Bonus experiments of other varieties may also be included as time permits.